Bellydancing UW
Bellydancing UW was founded in the Spring of 2000 by Kerridwen Mangala and Leena in order to practice the choreographies and technique of their instructor, Mona N’wal. They were soon joined by Radhika, Amy, Yayuk, Courtney, Sabrina, and many other members, who helped create the organization as it stands today.
Bellydancing UW provides instruction for beginning, intermediate, and advanced dancers. Each semester, our organization welcomes 50-70 regular attendees in the beginners’ class, where an experienced club member covers basic technique, which is synthesized into a choreography. Intermediate classes build on this foundation with a greater focus on complete dance pieces, many of which are performed by the club at events on campus and around Madison, including Helen C. House Party, Homecoming, and All Campus Party.